
You will learn the basics of KUSTO: filtering, sorting, and date-related queries.

KQL in Action



This is a collection of exercises, answers and explanations to help new KQL users learn how to write KQL.
By executing commands (operators, functions) that appear frequently in actual KQL usage situations from various angles and in various ways, the user is expected to learn the commands by hand.


In KQL, as in any other programming language, each language element is given a name. Remembering these names is not mandatory, but it is a good thing to keep in mind in order to improve learning efficiency. Rather than simply lumping everything together as “commands”, you can quickly gain a better understanding of how KQL works by being aware of which elements you are currently using.

  • Table operator: This is the most commonly used operator. It accepts table input and outputs a table. Elements that appear at the beginning of the process or next in the pipeline are table operators.
  • Scalar operators are mainly used within table operators. They include numerical, logical, and string operators, and perform data processing such as the value of a particular column in each row of a table. It is difficult to distinguish between and not-between from the functions described below, but between and not-between are scalar operators.
  • Function: The meaning is the same, it returns a specific result. Some functions perform processing on input values, while others return values without taking input values. Note that they are similar to scalar operators.
  • Log Analytics DEMO workspace
    This is a demo workspace with sample data. The KQL on this page is intended to be run against this data.

  • Kusto Query Language
    This is the reference for KQL in Azure Data Explorer, of which Log Analytics is a partial implementation.


Find out where to find the information

To search the Azure Monitor logs, you need to know what tables are in the workspace and what structure each table contains records. Here you will learn how to use basic operators to find tables that contain the information you are looking for, and how to examine the structure of the data contained in the tables you locate, using the most commonly used tables as the subject matter.

Search for records containing contoso

search "contoso"

Description :
The search operator performs a search on all tables in the workspace if no table is specified.
The search operator can be used when you do not know which table contains the data you want, or when you do not know if the data exists in the workspace in the first place.
It should not be used too often for queries that are executed periodically, as it has a performance disadvantage when searching large amounts of data. It is also not available in some Kusto execution environments. For example, it can be used in Log Analytics, but not in Azure Resource Graph.

Please search for records that contain both contoso and retail.

// Prefered
search "contoso" and "retail"

// NOT Prefered
// search "contoso" | search "retail"
// search "contoso" | where Name contains "retail"

Description :
The search operator can generate many results, which affects performance. If multiple conditions need to be specified, they should be included in a single search operator condition. Piping multiple search operators or filtering search operator results by where will result in a large result set being generated by the previous search operator for intermediate processing. In contrast, a single search operator with multiple conditions will generate a smaller result set.

Show records containing Contoso starting with a capital letter

search kind=case_sensitive "Contoso"

Description :
The search operator performs case-insensitive searches by default, but you can explicitly specify the behavior with the kind argument. case_sensitive is a case-sensitive specification.

Show records containing contosohotels from the Perf table

search in (Perf) "contosohotels"

// able to search piped Table
| search "contosohotels"

Description :
The search operator can also perform searches on tables received from a pipe. The value of the “in” argument specifies the table to be searched. “search” operator can also perform searches on tables received from a pipe.

Show records from the SecurityEvent table that contain contosohotels.

search in (SecurityEvent) "contosohotels"

// able to search piped Table
| search "contosohotels"

Description :
This example is almost identical to the one before. It is provided to help you understand that records with the same string may exist in more than one table.

Display records from the Alert and SecurityAlert tables that contain contosohotels

search in (Alert,SecurityAlert) "contosohotels"

// Other expression
// Need to combine multiple tables
| union SecurityAlert
| search "contosohotels"

Description :
The “in” argument allows multiple tables to be specified. In this example, the search is performed across tables with potentially related information. An additional example is the “union” of multiple tables, since KQL does not allow multiple tables to be passed through the pipeline.

[IMPORTANT] Please list the tables in your workspace.

search *
| distinct $table

Description :

KQL usually performs searches by specifying tables, it is necessary to know what tables are in the workspace. The search results of the search operator include a $table column representing the table to which it belongs, it is possible to list all tables contained in the workspace by extracting unique values with the distinct operator.

It is very time consuming to check the existing tables from the UI, this example is provided as a simple way to check only the table names.

Show 10 records in the AzureDiagnostics table

| take 10

// limit and take is same 
//| limit 10

Description :
AzureDiagnostics stores Azure diagnostic logs, which contain a large number of records. The limit operator works the same way as take. take does not always return the same result. For example, the latest data may not be taken in chronological order, and the result may differ from the previous run even if the data set remains the same.

List the Category in the AzureDiagnostics table

|distinct Category

Description :
The diagnostic logs contained in the AzureDiagnostics table consist of logs from multiple resources. Since logs from dozens of different resources are typically aggregated, it is important to understand what resources’ logs are included.
Since the Category column contains hints about the resource that generated the log and the type of log, it is easy to determine the presence or absence of the desired log by listing the Category values in the distinguishing operator.

List the ResourceType and Category combinations from the AzureDiagnostics table

|distinct ResourceType,Category

Description :
Since AzureDiagnostics’ ResourceType contains the type of the resource that generated the log, it can be combined with Category and distinct to show clearly which resource is generating which category of logs.

View ApplicationGatewayAccessLog from the AzureDiagnostics table<

|where Category == "ApplicationGatewayAccessLog"

Description :
The where operator is a filter that selects records according to given criteria; since each type of log in the AzureDiagnostics table has a different Category column value, you can filter by Category column value to select only the desired resource and desired type of log. The following table shows the number of items that can be selected.

ApplicationGatewayAccessLog from the AzureDiagnostics table in order of newest to oldest record

|where Category == "ApplicationGatewayAccessLog"
|sort by TimeGenerated desc 

Description :
Filtered logs are not always arranged in the order expected by the query executor. In particular, they are often expected to be arranged according to chronological order, but this is often not the case. The sort operator sorts records by the specified column values. By default, it sorts in descending order. In this example, the desc argument is specified to explicitly sort in descending order, but it can be omitted.

Display ApplicationGatewayAccessLog from AzureDiagnostics table in order of oldest to newest record

|where Category == "ApplicationGatewayAccessLog"
|sort by TimeGenerated asc 

Description :
To sort in ascending order with the sort operator, specify the asc argument.

Display the ApplicationGatewayAccessLog from the AzureDiagnostics table, sorted by most recent record (10)

|where Category == "ApplicationGatewayAccessLog"
|top 10 by TimeGenerated desc 

Description :
The top operator is used to sort records by the column value specified in the by argument. top, like sort, sorts records in descending order by default, and in this example, desc is specified explicitly.

Display the ApplicationGatewayAccessLog from the AzureDiagnostics table in order of oldest to newest record (10)

|where Category == "ApplicationGatewayAccessLog"
|top 10 by TimeGenerated asc 

Description :
The top operator, like sort, can also perform ascending sorting with an asc argument.

Display 10 records in the AzureMetrics table

| take 10

Description :
The AzureMetrics table is a table that holds metrics for Azure resources. If metrics are enabled in the diagnostic settings for a resource, information is stored in this table. Metrics are like performance counters in Windows and are used to measure numerical aspects of a resource.

List the MetricName in the AzureMetrics table

| distinct MetricName

Description :
The AzureMetrics table receives metrics from various resources. Each metric has a field called MetricName that identifies which metric a given record is data for.

List the ResourceProvider and MetricName combinations in the AzureMetrics table

| distinct ResourceProvider,MetricName

Description :
Since there are quite a few different types of metrics, it is helpful to use the information of the resource provider from which they are generated when listing them. Viewing unique combinations of ResourceProvider and MetricName in the distinct operator allows you to organize the metrics generated by each resource provider.

Display only the Percentage CPU metric from the AzureMetrics table

  | where MetricName == "Percentage CPU"

Description :
To display a specific metric, specify any MetricName in the where operator.

Display the Percentage CPU of computer CH1-SQLVM12 from the AzureMetrics table

| where Resource == "CH1-SQLVM12" and MetricName == "Percentage CPU"

Description :
The where operator can filter records by multiple criteria. Resource name and metric can be used to display only any metric for a specific resource.

Show 10 records in the AzureActivity table

| take 10

Description :
This example may not work in the demo workspace, so please try it in your Log Analytics workspace. [Ref:Send to Log Analytics workspace] Send to Log Analytics workspace ( workspace) The AzureActivity table records operations on subscriptions, such as changing resources or starting virtual machines. You can check the change work and see if any changes have been made to unnecessary resources.

List the resources and operations that have been operated on in the AzureActivity table

| distinct ResourceProviderValue,_ResourceId, OperationNameValue

Description :
_ResourceId is the unique identifier of the resource and ResourceProviderValue represents the resource provider. This query allows you to see what operations have been performed on each resource, organized by provider.

Display a list of users and IP addresses that have performed operations from the AzureActivity table

  | distinct Caller,CallerIpAddress

Description :
Caller is the user who performed the execution, and CallerIpAddress is the IP address of the source of the operation. This can be used to check for operations from unintended users or locations.

List of users who have performed operations in the Administrative category in the AzureActivity table

| where CategoryValue == "Administrative"   
| distinct Caller

Description :
Administrative work includes the value Administrative in CategoryValue.

List the users whose administrative tasks failed from the AzureActivity table and the resources on which they operated

| where ActivityStatusValue == "Failure" and CategoryValue == "Administrative"
| distinct Caller,CallerIpAddress, _ResourceId

Description :
An entry whose operation failed will have an ActivityStatusValue of Failure. This query allows you to view users who have attempted and failed administrative tasks. Reasons for failure vary, but for example, an unusual CallerIpAddress may indicate a security breach.


Format data

Parse a resource ID

| where ResourceType == "SERVERS/DATABASES"
| parse ResourceId with * "/RESOURCEGROUPS/" ResourceGroupName "/" * "/DATABASES/" Databasename
| project TimeGenerated, Category, OperationName, ResourceGroupName, Databasename 

Description :
Use the parse operator to extract the resource group and resource name from the resource id field

Parse a string in syslog

| where Facility == "authpriv"
| parse SyslogMessage with * "(" session "):" * "user" UserName

Description :
Use the parse command to extract a string value consistently from a log string entry

Return specific columns from a query

| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Computer
| extend IPAddress = tostring(Ipv4Addresses[0])
| extend DNSNAme = tostring(DnsNames[0])
| project Computer, BootTime, IPAddress, DNSNAme, OperatingSystemFullName, PhysicalMemoryMB, Cpus, CpuSpeed, AzureResourceGroup, AzureSubscriptionId

Description :
Use the project operator to return very specific columns from a query

Exclude a specific column from the query result

| summarize count() by EventID, Activity
| project-away EventID

Description :
Use the project-away operator to exclude a specific column from the query result

Specify and format the date

Azure Monitor logs have a standard defined column, the TimeGenerated column, which indicates the time generated by the data source, allowing you to see the time of the log record. Using the TimeGenerated column, you can filter based on time and the number of records.

Display the current date in UTC time

print now()

Description :
The current time can be obtained using the now() function. The return value of any date or time function, including the now() function, is of type datetime and is expressed in UTC time in Kusto.

Display a specific date and time (“January 1, 2022 12:00”) in UTC time

print datetime("2022-01-01 12:00")

Description :
The datetime function allows you to retrieve a date or time by specifying a string. The return value of the datetime function can be obtained as type datetime.

Display a specific date and time (“January 1, 2022, 12:00”) in UTC+9 hours.

print datetime("2022-01-01 12:00") + 9h

Description :
The datetime type returned by the datetime function is treated in UTC time. To change UTC time to another time zone, add (or subtract) the time to the value of type datetime. To add to or subtract from a datetime type, use a value of type timespan. Use notation such as 9h (9 hours) or 30m (30 minutes), as in this query.

Display the date and time 30 minutes before the current date and time in UTC+9 hours

print datetime("now") + 9h - 30m

Description :
You can specify a time in the past or future by adding or subtracting against the datetime type. Addition to or subtraction from a datetime type can use values of type timespan.

Search for records in UTC time for a specific period of time (only one day, “January 1, 2022”)

| where TimeGenerated between (datetime("2022-01-01 00:00:00")..1day)

Description :
When checking logs output by Azure services for troubleshooting, etc., you may want to check logs for a specific day. You can use the between and datetime functions in combination for a TimeGenerated column to limit the time range.

Search for records in UTC time for a specific period of time (“January 1, 2022” to “January 2, 2022”)

| where TimeGenerated between (datetime("2022-01-01 00:00:00")..datetime("2022-01-02 23:59:59"))

Description :
The datetime function can be used at the beginning and end of the range of the between function to make the range include a specific date and time.

Search for records in UTC time for a specific period of time (“January 1, 2022 12:00” to “January 2, 2022 12:00”)

| where TimeGenerated between (datetime("2022-01-01 12:00")..datetime("2022-01-02 12:59"))

Description :
At the beginning and end of the range of the between function, the datetime function can be used to specify a range of dates and times for the datetime function. The datetime function accepts a variety of date expressions as arguments.

Search today’s records in UTC time

| where TimeGenerated > startofday(now())

Description :
Comparison operators can be used on the TimeGenerated type to represent different ranges of time. The startofday function returns a value of type datetime representing the start of the date given as argument. That is, “2022-01-01 12:34” represents “2022-01-01 0:00:00.000”.

Find this month’s record in UTC time

| where TimeGenerated > startofweek(now())

Description :

Search records from 3 days ago to the present

| where TimeGenerated > ago(3day)

Description :
The ago function returns a value of type datetime representing the specified date and time before the current time. That is, ago(3d) represents the time three days before the current time. In addition to dates, you can specify other time units such as 1m or 1h!

Search for records in the last 30 minutes

| where TimeGenerated > ago(30m)

Description :

Search records for the past 1.5 hours

| where TimeGenerated > ago(1.5h)

Description :

Search records from 2 to 3 days ago

| where TimeGenerated between (now(-3d)..1day)

Description :
The now function accepts an offset of type timespan as an argument. When combined with the between function, various time ranges can be represented. This query produces the same result as now(-3d) as ago(3d).

Search by local time zone

| where TimeGenerated > startofday(now()) - 9h

Description :
The TimeGenerated and startofday functions are expressed in UTC time. Therefore, time zone must be taken into account when filtering by local time.

Add the difference between the time of record and the current time as a column

| where TimeGenerated > ago(30m)
| extend timeAgo = now() - TimeGenerated 

Description :
In a table containing access logs, etc., you may want to check the difference between the time of the record and the current time. Using extend and the time function, you can add a new column and output the time difference.

Group the records for the week (from Sunday to the current time) by day and display the number of records per day

| where TimeGenerated > startofweek(now())
| summarize count() by startofday(TimeGenerated)

Description :
The summarize function is often combined with the time function. It is useful when aggregating access logs, for example.

Group records from the past 30 minutes by minute and display the number of records per minute

| where TimeGenerated >= ago(30m)
| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1m)

Description :
Combining the summarize function with the bin function and the time function allows more flexible aggregation for dates. The bin function is an alias for the floor function.


Customize output

Using project to show one or more columns exclusively

| where TimeGenerated > ago (5m)
| project Computer, TimeGenerated

Description :
This query can be used to select one or more columns to show exclusively in the results (Computer and TimeGenerated).

Using project to rename a column

| where TimeGenerated > ago (5m)
| project VM=Computer, TimeStamp=TimeGenerated

Description :
This query can be used to select one or more columns to show exclusively in the results and rename the column(s)

Using project to rename a column with a name with spaces

| where TimeGenerated > ago (5m)
| project ['Virtual Machine']=Computer, ['Time Stamp']=TimeGenerated

Description :
This query can be used to select one or more columns to show exclusively in the results and rename the column(s)

Using Project and an expression to create columns.

| where TimeGenerated > ago (5m)
| project VM=toupper(Computer), TimeStamp=datetime_add("Hour",5,TimeGenerated)

// simplified expression
| where TimeGenerated > ago (5m)
| project VM=toupper(Computer), TimeStamp= TimeGenerated + 5h

Description :
This query can be used to created columns based on expressions.

Using project-away to remove columns.

| where TimeGenerated > ago (5m)
| project-away VMUUID, MG, ManagementGroupName, SourceComputerId

Description :
This query can be used to exclude certain columns from the queries

Using project-away to remove columns based on a pattern

| where TimeGenerated > ago (5m)
| project-away Resource*

Description :
This query can be used to exclude certain columns from the queries and exclude columns that match the pattern

Using project-keep to select which columns to show in the results.

| where TimeGenerated > ago (5m)
| project-keep Resource*

Description :
This query can be used to select columns to be shown in the output. Can’t be used to create expression based columns. See project for that purpose.

Using project-reorder to establish the order of the columns.

| where TimeGenerated > ago (5m)
| project-reorder * desc

Description :
This query example shows how to reorder (all) columns in descendant fashion

Using project-rename to change a column’s name.

| where TimeGenerated > ago (5m)
| project-rename VM=Compute

Description :
This query shows how to rename one or more columns in the results. Project-rename won’t affect filtering over columns.

Using Extend to create calculated columns

| extend
    Age = now() - TimeGenerated

Description :
This query can be used to create a new column based on an expression

Using Extend to create calculated columns using a condition (and visuals)

| summarize LastReported=now()-max(TimeGenerated) by Computer,TimeGenerated
| extend RecentHeartBeat=iff(TimeGenerated > ago(5m),'✔️ ', '❌ ')

Description :
This query can be used to create a new column based on a condition and display a visual clue.

Sort and aggregate dataset

Count the number of performance counters collected per computer

| summarize count() by Computer, Namespace, Name

Description :
Count the number of performance counters collected per computer

Please tally how many different performance counters are available for each computer

| summarize dcount(Name) by Computer

Description :
The dcount() function is an aggregate function that calculates the number of unique values in a given column. In this example it is the name of the performance counters collected from the computer, but it can be used for a variety of aggregates, such as the number of locations where a user is logged in, the number of IPs to which the computer has ever connected, etc.

Please tabulate the average UtilizationPercentage of the computers

| where Name == "UtilizationPercentage"
| summarize avg(Val) by Computer

Description :
Changing the aggregation function given to the summarize operator changes the aggregation method. By giving the target column name to the avg() function, you can compute the average of the column values.

Tabulate the average UtilizationPercentage of the computers

| where Name == "UtilizationPercentage"
| summarize max(Val) by Computer

Description :
You can compute the maximum value of a column value by giving the target column name to the max() function.

Please provide an hourly trend of the average UtilizationPercentage by computer.

| where Name == "UtilizationPercentage"
| summarize min(Val) by Computer

Description :
You can compute the maximum value of a column value by giving the target column name to the min() function.

Please tabulate the average UtilizationPercentage of the computers

| where Name == "UtilizationPercentage"
| summarize avg(Val) by Computer, bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)

Description :
Aggregation with the summarize operator can be performed on multiple columns. This is a very common pattern, and allows you to aggregate the behavior of a particular resource over time by summing over the resource and time of interest. If you simply use TimeGenerated for aggregation, the units will be too fine, so it is common to round up using the bin() function. The example rounds to the nearest hour, but you can also round to the nearest 10 minutes (10m), 100 seconds (100s), etc.

Show top logic disks running out of space

| where Namespace == "LogicalDisk" and Name == "FreeSpacePercentage"
| extend DiskInstance = tostring(parse_json(Tags).[""])
| summarize FreeDiskSpace = avg(Val) by Computer, DiskInstance
| order by FreeDiskSpace asc 
| take 10

Description :
The name of the performance counter for free disk space is FreeSpacePercentage. This example selects the 10 disks with the lowest average FreeSpacePercentage for the aggregated time period. In the InsightsMetrics table, volume labels do not appear directly in the columns as values, but are included in the Tags column as JSON data. For this reason, the parse_json function is used to parse the Tags column and set the label values of the retrieved volume as new column values with the extend operator.

Show logic disks that are below the free space threshold

let threshold = 20;
| where Namespace == "LogicalDisk" and Name == "FreeSpacePercentage"
| extend DiskInstance = tostring(parse_json(Tags).[""])
| summarize FreeDiskSpace = avg(Val) by Computer, DiskInstance
| where FreeDiskSpace < threshold

Description :
Displays disks whose free space is below a certain value. In this example, the threshold value is stored in a variable named threshold. Variables can be used to make the query easy to modify, easy to reuse, and easy to understand.

Count the number of events collected per computer

| summarize count() by Computer

Description :
Count the number of events collected per computer

Count the number of events collected per computer over time

| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h), Computer

Description :
Count the number of events collected per computer, aggregated into 1 hour time buckets

Show top 10 computers collecting events

| summarize count() by Computer
| top 10 by Computer

Description :
Count the number of events collected per computer, and then display the top 10 computers collecting events

Show top processes across all machines

| where ObjectName == "Process" and CounterName == "% Processor Time"
| summarize AverageValue = avg(CounterValue) by InstanceName
| top 10 by InstanceName
| order by AverageValue

Description :
Summarize the % Processor Utilisation for processes across all servers, and list the top 10


Show event count as a chart

| summarize EventCount = count() by EventID
| top 10 by EventCount
| render columnchart 

Description :
Use the render operator to draw a chart of the top 10 Security Events

Show event count distribution over time

| summarize EventCount = count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h), Computer
| render timechart 

Description :
Use the render operator to draw a chart of the security event distribution over time, per computer

Show CPU Utilisation over time

| where Namespace == "Processor" and Name == "UtilizationPercentage"
| summarize AverageValue = avg(Val) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h), Computer
| render timechart with (ycolumns = Computer, series= AverageValue)

Description :
Use the render operator to draw a chart of the processor utilisation over time with aggregations into 1 hour averages, broken down by computer

Show Memory Utilisation over time

| where Namespace == "Memory" and Name == "AvailableMB"
| extend memorySizeMB = toint(parse_json(Tags).[""])
| extend PercentageUsed = 100-(Val/memorySizeMB)*100
| summarize AverageValue = avg(PercentageUsed) by bin(TimeGenerated, 30m), Computer
| render timechart

Description :
Use the render operator to draw a chart of the percentage used memory over time with aggregations into 30 minute averages, broken down by computer. The memory used percentage is a calculated column, as only available memory in MB and total memory in MB is presented

Show Pie graph of sources collected in Azure Diagnostics

| summarize count() by ResourceProvider
| render piechart 

Description :
Use the render operator to draw a chart of the different sources collected into Azure Diagnostics

Show Pie graph of current missing updates in Update Management

| where UpdateState == "Needed" and OSType!="Linux"
| summarize  arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Title
| where (Classification == "Security Updates" or Classification == "Critical Updates" or Classification == "Definition Updates" or Classification == "Others")
| summarize MissingUpdates = count() by Classification
| order by MissingUpdates desc
| render piechart 

Description :
Use the render operator to draw a chart of the missing update count in Update Management

Show Area Chart of Logic Apps Run Latency

| where ResourceProvider == "MICROSOFT.LOGIC"
| where MetricName == "RunLatency"
| summarize AverageLatency = avg(Average) by bin(TimeGenerated, 10m), Resource
| render areachart

Description :
Use the render operator to draw a chart of run latency for logic apps

Cross query

Join VMComputer and InsightMetrics to get last heartbeat per computer

| project Computer, OperatingSystemFullName, _ResourceId
| join (
| where Name == "Heartbeat"
| summarize LastHeartbeat = arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by _ResourceId
| project LastHeartbeat, _ResourceId
) on _ResourceId
| project-away _ResourceId1

Description :
Use the join operator to join two tables to see last heartbeat per computer

Join two queries from the SecurityEvents table together to determine logon duration

| where EventID == 4624		// sign-in events
| project Computer, Account, TargetLogonId, LogonTime=TimeGenerated
| join kind= inner (
| where EventID == 4634		// sign-out events
| project TargetLogonId, LogoffTime=TimeGenerated
    ) on TargetLogonId
| extend Duration = LogoffTime-LogonTime
| project-away TargetLogonId1 
| top 10 by Duration desc

Description :
Use the join operator to join two queries from the SecurityEvents table together to determine logon duration

Join Heartbeat table with Update Management table to view update status

| where OSType!="Linux" and Optional==false
| summarize hint.strategy=partitioned arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Computer,SourceComputerId,UpdateID
| where UpdateState=~"Needed" and Approved!=false
| join (UpdateSummary 
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Computer, OsVersion, RestartPending
| project Computer, OsVersion, RestartPending
on Computer
| join ( Heartbeat
| summarize LastHeartBeat = arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Computer
| project LastHeartBeat, Computer
) on Computer
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *), SecurityUpdates = countif(Classification == "Security Updates"), CriticalUpdates = countif(Classification == "Critical Updates"), DefinitionUpdates = countif(Classification == "Definition Updates"), ServicePacks = countif(Classification == "Service Packs"), Others = countif(Classification != "Security Updates" and Classification != "Critical Updates" and Classification != "Definition Updates" and Classification != "Service Packs") by Computer, OsVersion, RestartPending, ResourceId, LastHeartBeat
| project Computer, ResourceId, OsVersion, RestartPending, LastHeartBeat, SecurityUpdates, CriticalUpdates, DefinitionUpdates, ServicePacks, Others

Description :
Use the join operator to join Heartbeat table to Update Management table to view update status, last heartbeat and reboot status

Join Heartbeat table with syslog table to get count of syslog events

| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Computer, _ResourceId
| join (
| summarize SyslogCount = count() by Computer, _ResourceId
) on _ResourceId
| project _ResourceId, Computer, ComputerIP, OSName, ResourceGroup, SubscriptionId, SyslogCount

Description :
Use the join operator to join Heartbeat table to syslog table to get a count of events per computer


Obtain a list of IP prefixes contained in the service tag

let serviceName= "VirtualDesktop";
externaldata(changeNumber: string, cloud: string, values: dynamic)[""]  with(format='multijson')
| mv-expand values
| where values contains serviceName
| mv-expand
| project addressPrefixes= tostring( values_properties_addressPrefixes)

Description :

IP addresses used by Azure services are published as service tags and can be referenced from the Internet. The externaldata operator retrieves data described in CSV, JSON, etc. from an external storage account. This sample retrieves files directly from the Internet, but SAS can be used to retrieve data from storage accounts to which access is controlled.

Note - The file name ServiceTags_Public_YYYYYMMDD.json will change as the IP list is updated, so you must always refer to the new file.
Azure IP Ranges and Service Tags – Public Cloud

The files referenced by KQL should be placed in a storage account that you manage yourself, and you should consider a mechanism whereby the files in the storage account are automatically updated whenever the list is updated. Using external data sources to enrich network logs using Azure storage and KQL

Quickly check the results of calculations for dates, strings, etc.

print now()

print now(9h)

print ago(9h)

print substring("hello KQL world",6,3)

print  1 + 2 + 3

print iif(true, 100 , 200)

print iif(false, 100 , 200)

Description :
The print operator performs scalar expressions (calculations that do not create a table with multiple rows). It is useful when including time or string calculations in a long query, and you want to see the results of a partial calculation beforehand.

Last modified March 10, 2022: Update cover page (#65) (3249927)